Appendix 2: Milestones of New Allocation Policy[1]



Project initiation Document

2-3 weeks

Analysis of existing households on the housing register

2-4 weeks

Arrangements for community engagement on existing policy

2-4 weeks

Community engagement on existing policy

4-6 weeks

Analysis of feedback from community engagement

4-6 weeks

Development of proposals for the purposes of consultation

2-4 weeks

Initial workshop with members to determine the options that will be considered during consultation

2-4 weeks (to enable preferred options to be agreed)

Report to Housing Committee on options appraisal for consultation

4-6 weeks (depending upon Housing Committee cycle)

Proposals incorporated into consultation document – Draft Allocations Policy

8-10 weeks

Set up consultation portal

2-4 weeks

Statutory Consultation (Start to Finish)

·        On-line survey

·        Community Events

·        Engagement with social housing providers

12 weeks

Consultation responses analysed and considered

4-6 weeks

Equalities Impact Assessments

6-8 weeks

Report recommending changes drafted for Housing Committee

4-6 weeks (depending upon Housing Committee cycle)

Housing Committee agreeing proposed recommendations


Recommendations incorporated into new Allocations Policy

4-6 weeks

Attend Political Groups to advise on new policy

6-8 weeks

Changes to the I.T platform if required

12-16 weeks

Review of current cases on the Housing Register (eg changes to banding, qualification, etc)

12-16 weeks

New Allocations Policy goes live



[1] Broad timescales are given setting out the estimated time required. Where this coincides with an election period (eg May 2023) additional consideration will be needed with regard to any restrictions relating to Purdah